Sauté: tempeh, pasta, parsley, nuts, and dandelion greens
How will you prepare tempeh, pasta, nuts, and dandelion greens?
The combination of tempeh, dandelion, and pasta will get you started for protein, veggies, and carbs. Parsley and nuts are added for flavor and character.
You can make a single dish using all the ingredients, or you can split it up into additional sides. But try to sauté at least one of them.
Any additional ingredients you would like to use can be incorporated into the meal as well. We offer these random suggestions just to give you a starting point, and if you decide to veer off course we’re sure you’ve got a good reason! Just have fun and enjoy the process—and the food! That’s what matters most!
Recipe Ideas
- Try this Vegan Pasta Salad with Pan-Fried Tempeh.